Communication of the General Secretariat of the Hungarian Catholic Bishops’ Conference

30th May 2024, Thursday

Since early May 2024, Brazil’s southernmost state has been ravaged by heavy rains and unprecedented flooding. The disaster has so far claimed over 100 lives, left more than 100 missing and displaced hundreds of thousands of people. People who have lost their homes are being helped in 105 temporary shelters in Porto Alegre, the state capital.


27th December 2023, Wednesday

The declaration Fiducia supplicans on the Pastoral Meaning of Blessings, issued by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith on 18 December 2023, does not change the Catholic Church’s belief and perennial teaching on marriage and sexual morality.

Pope Francis received the MKPK delegation in a private audience

3rd October 2023, Tuesday

Pope Francis received the delegation of the Hungarian Catholic Bishops’ Conference in a private audience on 2 October 2023. Card. Péter Erdő, primate of Hungary, archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest, András Veres, bishop of Győr, president of the HCBC, metropolitan Fülöp Kocsis, archbishop of Hajdúdorog, and Tamás Tóth, general secretary of the HCBC, the general coordinator of the Holy Father’

Start of the school year in catholic educational institutions

{{!ML!HU:Tanévkezdés a katolikus oktatási intézményekben}}

12th September 2023, Tuesday

In the 358 public education and vocational training institutions operated by the Hungarian Catholic Church, nearly 150,000 students and 14,500 teachers have started the 2023/2024 school year as planned.
Most Catholic education and training institutions are multi-purpose facilities. In many places, education is provided from kindergarten to secondary school. The 358 Catholic institutions consist of 771 units.
In the 2023/2024 school year, five new schools are added to the list of Catholic institutions, which have recently been taken over by the Hungarian Catholic Church. Two other institutions have expanded their range of activities with a kindergarten and a primary school.

Meeting of the Hungarian Catholic Bishops’ Conference

9th June 2023, Friday

The Hungarian Catholic Bishops’ Conference (HCB) held its regular summer meeting on 6 June, also attended by Apostolic Nuncio Michael Wallace Banach. Prior to this, on the afternoon of 5 June, the members of the HCBC celebrated a Holy Mass to give thanks to God, led by Cardinal Péter Erdő, primate, archbishop of Esztergom and Budapest. Following the Holy Mass, Bishop András Veres, president o

General Audience, 03.05.2023

25th May 2023, Thursday

Dear brothers and sisters, buongiorno! Three days ago I returned from my trip to Hungary. I wish to thank all those who prepared and accompanied this visit with prayer, and to renew my gratitude to the Authorities, the local Church, and the Hungarian people, a courageous people, rich in memory. During my stay in Budapest I was able to feel the affection of all Hungarians. Today I would like t

Meeting with the academic and cultural world at the Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics of the “Péter Pázmány” Catholic University

{{!ML!HU:Ferenc pápa a Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetemen}}

25th May 2023, Thursday

Dear brothers and sisters, good afternoon! In greeting each of you, I express my appreciation for your fine words of welcome, which I will address in a moment. This is the final meeting of my visit to Hungary, for which I am most grateful. Here I think of the course of the Danube, which links this country to many others, uniting not only their geography but also their history. Culture i

The Holy Father’s words before the recitation of the Regina Caeli prayer

25th May 2023, Thursday

I thank Cardinal Erdő for his kind words, and I greet Her Excellency the President, the Prime Minister and the Authorities present. As I prepare to return to Rome, I wish to express my gratitude to them, to my brother bishops, the priests and consecrated men and women, and to all the beloved Hungarian people for their warm welcome and the affection I have experienced in these days. I am als

Homily of the Holy Father, Kossuth Lajos Square

{{!ML!HU:Ferenc pápa a Kossuth téren}}

25th May 2023, Thursday

Jesus’ final words in the Gospel we have just heard sum up the meaning of his mission: “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” (Jn 10:10). That is what a good shepherd does: he gives his life for his sheep. Jesus, like a shepherd who goes in search of his flock, came to find us when we were lost. Like a shepherd, he came to snatch us from death. Like a shepherd who knows