Committees of the Hungarian Catholic Bishops' Conference 2023.

I. Commission for the Doctrine of the Faith

President: Péter ERDŐ
Members: Balázs BÁBEL, György UDVARDY, László KISS-RIGÓ, Ferenc PALÁNKI, Atanáz OROSZ, Cirill HORTOBÁGYI, Levente Balázs MARTOS

Theological Commission: Péter ERDŐ, Atanáz OROSZ, Levente Balázs MARTOS
Commission for the Catechism: György UDVARDY
Ecumenical Commission: Balázs BÁBEL, Ferenc PALÁNKI, Atanáz OROSZ, Cirill HORTOBÁGYI
Commission for the Mission: László KISS-RIGÓ

II. Commission for the Liturgy
President: András VERES
Members: Balázs BÁBEL, Cirill HORTOBÁGYI, Lajos VARGA

III. Commission for the Health Pastoral Care and the Caritas
President: Antal SPÁNYI
Members: László VARGA, Cirill HORTOBÁGYI, Ábel A. SZOCSKA, László FELFÖLDI

Commission for the Caritas: Antal SPÁNYI, Ábel A. SZOCSKA, László FELFÖLDI
Health Pastoral Care Commission: László VARGA

IV. Commission for the Clergy and Institutes of Consecrated Life
President: Levente Balázs MARTOS
Members: Fülöp KOCSIS, Antal SPÁNYI, János SZÉKELY, Ferenc PALÁNKI, Atanáz OROSZ, Cirill HORTOBÁGYI, Zsolt MARTON

Commission for the Institutes of Consecrated Life: Fülöp KOCSIS, Cirill HORTOBÁGYI
Commission for the Seminary: Zsolt MARTON, Ferenc PALÁNKI, Levente Balázs MARTOS
Vocation Care Pastoral Commission: János SZÉKELY, Atanáz OROSZ, Levente Balázs MARTOS

V. Commission for the Laity and for Pastoral Care at national level
President: János SZÉKELY
Members: Csaba TERNYÁK, Atanáz OROSZ, László VARGA, Zsolt MARTON, Gábor MOHOS, Szabolcs Benedek FEKETE, Kornél FÁBRY

Commission for the Adult Formation: János SZÉKELY
Commission for Pastoral Care at national level: Csaba TERNYÁK
Commission for the Family Pastoral: Zsolt MARTON
Commission for the Youth Pastoral: Kornél FÁBRY, Gábor MOHOS, Szabolcs Benedek FEKETE
Commission for the Spiritualities and Movements: László VARGA, Gábor MOHOS

VI. Commission for the Catholic Education, School and University
President: Csaba TERNYÁK
Members: Péter ERDŐ, László KISS-RIGÓ, János SZÉKELY, Cirill HORTOBÁGYI, Gábor MOHOS

Commission for the Public Instruction: Csaba TERNYÁK, László KISS-RIGÓ, Cirill HORTOBÁGYI
Commission for Catholic Education: Péter ERDŐ, János SZÉKELY
Commission Pontifical Hungarian Ecclesiastical Institute: Csaba TERNYÁK, Gábor MOHOS

VII. Commission Caritas in Veritate
President: János SZÉKELY
Members: András VERES, Fülöp KOCSIS, Kornél FÁBRY

Commission for Social Justic: János SZÉKELY
Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People: Kornél FÁBRY
Commission for the Pastoral Care for Gypsies: Fülöp KOCSIS, János SZÉKELY

VIII. Commission for the Culture and Social Communications
President: Balázs BÁBEL,
Members: Antal SPÁNYI, László KISS-RIGÓ, Cirill HORTOBÁGYI, Tibor BERTA, Lajos VARGA

Commission for the Culture and Science: Cirill HORTOBÁGYI
Commission for the Social Communications: Antal SPÁNYI, László KISS-RIGÓ, Tibor BERTA
Commission for the Sacred Archeology and Culture: Lajos VARGA

IX. Commission for the Legislative Affairs
President: Péter ERDŐ
Members: András VERES, László KISS-RIGÓ, Ferenc PALÁNKI

X. Commission for the Economic Affairs
President: Csaba TERNYÁK
Members: András VERES, Fülöp KOCSIS, Antal SPÁNYI