Following the decision of the Hungarian Catholic Bishops’ Conference and the decree of the Holy See, the grand chancellor of the Pázmány Péter Catholic University appointed Mgr Prof. Dr Géza Kuminetz as the rector of the university for a period of four years as of 1 September 2019, since the mandate of the incumbent rector ends at the end of the academic year. The President of the Republic has also appointed the new rector in accordance with state law.

Dr Géza Kuminetz was born in Nagyatád on 14 September 1959.
He was ordained in Csurgó on 21 June 1988 to serve the diocese of Veszprém.
He started studying theology in Esztergom in 1983, later he attended the Central Seminary in Budapest. He acquire a theological doctoral degree at the Pázmány Péter Theological Academy in 1989.
During his postgraduate studies, he was the student of the Hungarian Papal Institute at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome between 1989–1991 and acquired a Licentiate of Canon Law in 1991.
Since 1991, he is the professor of the Archiepiscopal Theological College of Veszprém and was the deputy director-general of the said institute between 1994–1996.
Between 1994–96, he was the spiritual director of the Blessed Gizella Seminary of Veszprém.
In 1996, he was an affiliated professor at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University’s Faculty of Theology.
Between 1996–98, he was the director of studies and appointed prefect (for the academic year of 1997/98) of the Archiepiscopal Theological College of Veszprém.
He acquired a PhD in theology in 1996 and he habilitated from theology in 1997.
Between 1996–2002, he was an associate professor at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University’s Postgraduate Institute of Canon Law and led the Institute between 2003–2006.
He teaches and conducts research as a professor since 2002.
He was the dean of the Faculty of Theology between 2006–2010 and 2012–2014.
He was the rector of the Central Seminary between 2009–2015.
He was the head of the Canon Law Department at the Faculty of Theology between 2003–2009.
He is the head of the Liturgy and Pastoral Theology Department at the Faculty of Theology since 2009. He was also the head of the Property and Sacramental Law Department at the Postgraduate Institute of Canon Law.
In 1994, the Holy Father granted him the title of Chaplain of His Holiness. He is the member of the Hungarian and the International Canon Law Society (and was the president of the former between 2003–2006). He authored several books and his studies were published in the academic journals Folia Canonica, Folia Theologica, Kánonjog, Teológia and Studia Wesprimiensia, where he is also a member of the editorial staff.
Budapest, 31 May 2019
General Secretariat of the Hungarian Catholic Bishops’ Conference